Synagogue signs adorning the Mikdash Me'at, memorial plaques for commemoration and l'iluy nishmat of the departed with Ner Zikaron, in the style of Etz Chaim serving as memorials for synagogue worshippers, memorial boards available in various shapes and designs, can also be used as donors board, for those who contributed to the synagogue, or founders board, customarily adding Birkot HaTorah and Haftarah for the Bimah, or Parashat HaShavua and Sefirat HaOmer board, or prayer times board, or prayer boards like Kaddish board, Modim D'Rabbanan board, Brich Shmei board, Aleinu L'Shabeach board, LaMenatzeach board, Kiddush Levana, or Birkat HaLevana, and more, serving as synagogue ornaments and for worshippers' convenience alongside commemorating the departed. At Matanyah everything is available at excellent prices with unique designs!!