What do I need to do to get a Bimah cover that will fit my Teivah exactly?

Purchasing a cover for a prayer box is simple when done correctly using the methanometer method!

We arranged the process in a flow chart, follow the process, we are at your service for any question

Would you like to receive a casket cover that will beautify the synagogue?

Bimah Cover Choshen Silver

Would you like it to sit exactly on the box?


Take bimah width and depth measurements, and add the draping measurements to these, noting which side is relevant (according to sketch). Recommended to match bimah cover to parochet - send us your existing design and we'll suggest a complementary pattern. Write names for commemoration: first name, family name, parents' names, date of passing.


After receiving the measurements and paying a 50% advance, we will send you graphics for your approval, (up to 3 rounds of sketches) and send to production using the "methanometer" method that ensures double measurements in the planning and production process.


You will receive an update / that the cover is ready before delivery / collection completion of payment to 100%

Talk to us

Explain what it is about
Your community advisor, at your service